VIOFO Support Center

VIOFO A118C2 Car Dash Camera Firmware

Below is the download link for VIOFO A118C2 Firmware, version number is 20161008:

A118C2 Firmware

Change log:

  1. Added: Motion detection sensitivity
  2. Added: Turkey Language
  3. Added: Loop Recording Icon on screen
  4. Added: Time-lapse option
  5. Improved: Show "MASS Storage" directly while connected with computer
  6. Improved: Press once SOS button to lock the file while in screen save mode
  7. Improved: Format warning while the card is not FAT32 format
  8. Improved: GPS data not accurate issue while the GPS signal is not good
  9. Improved: Support 11 digits Car license number
  10. Improved: Delete firmware after Upgrade
  11. Changed: Change "CARDV" directory name to "DCIM"

How to update:

Please do the following to upgrade the dash cam

  1. Use max. 32GB card formatted by camera or on computer as FAT32
  2. Insert card in camera and connect it to computer using USB cable
  3. Copy just the FWA118C2.bin on the root of the card
  4. After FWA118C2.bin is copied to the card disconnect the camera from computer
  5. Reconnect the camera to your computer and wait few seconds until you can chose Mass Storage from camera menu
  6. The red LED will be blinking while upgrading.

Now you can disconnect the camera from PC and enjoy new A118C2 implementations.

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